Mar 14Liked by Meredith Farkas

So many book recommendations! I look forward to reading (or listening) to them. Thanks!

I love GTD, Deep Work, and productivity podcasts, but only insofar as they help me to accomplish as much as I can during my working hours so that I can go home and let go of the office without any sense of lingering guilt or obligation. Same goes for my 'home' work - I try to be as productive as possible so that I can maximize my leisure time and do the things that leave me feeling healthy, renewed, and happy. But there is definitely something wrong with society's approach to work, work, work and I look forward to reading more about the counterculture that is emerging.

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Mar 14Liked by Meredith Farkas

I’m looking forward to reading the next posts in your series! As someone who also used to be a dues paying member of the David Allen party, I still feel I have a toe stuck in the GTD mindset. To that end, Oliver Burkeman’s “Four Thousand Hours” has been an important transitional text for me. It helped me think beyond the productivity-focused approach to time.

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